Sunday, October 19, 2008

Food for thought

I wrote a short essay today for a scholarship (keep your fingers crossed for me), and the subject was "What do you hope to contribute to the culinary industry?".

I bring it up because it is much the same reason that I am here writing this.

Above all things, I hope to inspire.

I hope to inspire someone, even just one person (but hey, more's always good) to look closer (to quote a favorite movie of mine) at food. To not just see meat on a plate, but to see everything that food can be, everything that it can do.

Why is food so awesome? What really makes it so incredible? It's because it's not just about staying alive. That's a purpose, sure, but that's not what it's about. It's about bringing people together. It's about sharing. It's about something as simple as sitting down and just being with each other for a while.

Yeah, I want you to taste the food. I want you to talk about it, experience it to the full degree possible, but above all I want you to share it. Who are you going to talk to if no one's there? I want people to come together to appreciate everything.

So yes, eat and support local foods as much as you can. Buy seasonal ingredients instead of relying on the same old frozen vegetable medley. Take time to enjoy the food you're eating, to really savor it. Do everything you can to experience food in its entirety, as often as you can.

Most of all, do it together.

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